Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Stanza 4

Konungsbók Hauksbók Combined Gylfaginning + Variants
R 04 H 04 B 04
Adr bvrs synir Aadr bors synir Áðr Burs synir  
bioðom um ypðo bioðum of yptu bjöðum um yppðu,  
þeir er mið garð þeir er meran þeir er Miðgarð  
moran scopo.   miðgarð skopu   mæran skópu.  
sol scein suNan   sol skeinn sunnan Sól skein sunnan  
a salar steina   aa salar steina   á salar steina,  
þa var grvnd groin   þa uar grund groin þá var grund gróin  
gronom lauki. grænum lauki.   grœnum lauki.  

Before Bor´s sons
raised up heaven´s vault,
they who the noble
Midgard shaped.
The sun shone from the south
on the stones of the hall:
then out of the ground grew
green leeks.

Bur's sons: Othin, Vili, and Ve. Of Bur we know only that his wife was Bestla, daughter of Bolthorn; cf. Hovamol, 141. Vili and Ve are mentioned by name in the Eddic poems only in Lokasenna, 26. Mithgarth ("Middle Dwelling"): the world of men. Leeks: the leek was often used as the symbol of fine growth (cf. Guthrunarkvitha I, 17), and it was also supposed to have magic power (cf. Sigrdrifumol, 7).

Odin, Vili and Ve were the first Holy Triad or Holy Trinity. The children of Bergelmire, the giants, became aware of Buri, his son, Borr. They began waging war against the new race of Gods. War between these two races was inevitable because they represent the opposing forces of order and chaos. This titanic struggle lasted for eons. Neither race was able to gain the upper hand until Borr took Bestla as his wife and produced his three sons, Odin (spirit), Vili (will) and Ve (holy). There is an intricate symmetry to the force of Odin, Vili and Ve. Odin is the inspiration that creates an idea. Vili is the will that transforms an idea into reality. Ve is the sacred that gives individuality to the creation. The three must work together for creation to occur.

The union between Borr and Bestla was between the beneficent natural forces of nature and discipline, thus creating a force that could counter the uncontrolled destructive forces of nature. With their assistance, the Gods were eventually able to defeat the giants. The Holy Triad or Holy Trinity, was able to end the war by slaying the most powerful of the frost giants, the great Ymir. As Ymir’s life was extinguished, his blood poured out of him to flood the Cosmos, producing a great deluge. The entire race of Froze or Rime giants perished in this flood, all except for two giants - Bergelmir and his wife. They survived the blood flood and eventually took up abode in Jotunheim. There they reproduced a new race of giants, who continued to feud with the Gods and sought vengeance for their defeat by them.

The Gods or Aesir (pillars and supporters of the world), set about repairing the destruction that was inflicted upon the Cosmos by their great struggle with the giants. It was their nature to give order where there was only chaos. Borr’s sons decided to give shape and order to the corpse of the father of chaos, Ymir. They butchered his corpse and used its parts to construct the universe out of it.


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Stanza 5

Konungsbók Hauksbók Combined Gylfaginning + Variants R 05 H 05 B 05 Gg 8 (5-10 ) ...